Australian Manufacturing Client
This client approached me to turn the business around. Sales were declining, competition was strong, and corporate customers were playing hardball. We needed to develop a new strategy to accelerate the business's growth.
"We were connected to Roy by a friend in late 2016 when we were experiencing a massive struggle in our business. In the preceding years, our avenues to gaining market share through key retailers had closed up, and we were slowly being forced out of the market. Customers were dwindling, losses were mounting rapidly and the future looked very bleak indeed.
We had several sessions with Roy over a six-month period, and we can honestly say we have never looked back since then. He helped us to analyse our business model critically and opened our eyes to innovation in our channels to market. He guided us to flip our traditional manufacturer-to-retailer supply model on its head completely and suggested we laser our entire focus into building the very small e-commerce platform that we had running in the background.
Roy’s vision was to see us take control of our destiny by establishing our own channels to market directly to the end user through e-commerce. This incredible foresight that Roy provided us has been a complete game-changer for us. We have gone from the bottom of the ladder in our industry to now commanding the largest market share in our category and rapidly growing towards outright ownership of the entire vertical. We have gone from building the retailer's future to building our own future and setting the benchmarks in the industry.
The retailers that continually pushed us away are now desperately wanting our brand, but unfortunately for them, we are now a competitor. To say that Roy’s foresight, direction and encouragement was transformational is an understatement. We continue to utilise Roy’s advice as he helps us grow our team and take our business to the next level, as his experience in scaling his own business to 9-figure revenues is priceless. I would highly recommend that anyone experiencing a struggle in their business reach out for Roys's help immediately.
He is an extremely generous individual and I can promise you, you won’t regret it."
International work
Clients can tap into my extensive international experience and networks to launch an international extension of their business or to source new innovative products and suppliers

Taking Your Business International
My client had achieved market saturation in the UK. Future accelerated growth could only be achieved by expanding the geographical territories globally. I undertook a scoping exercise, feasibility studies, in-country visits, tendering, and securing in-country teams to deliver contracts. This expansion into 15 countries led to accelerated growth for the whole company.
Switching Sourcing from
China to India
I approached this project carefully due to its sensitivity. My client had been sourcing products from China for many years. However, a company policy decision required these products to be sourced from an alternative market. Utilising my extensive knowledge of the Indian market (250 in-country visits), I was able to identify robust, capable suppliers who exceeded my client's expectations on quality, certification, cost, and service.
Accelerating The Growth of Your International Business
Clients often approach with a general idea of their needs, and this project was no different. The client wanted to explore the international market via a group of global distributors. We undertook a process of distributor assessment, contracting, business planning, target setting, performance management and commercialisation. The established network of 12 global distributors now supports the UK operation and has boosted growth significantly.
Internationalisation Has Many Benefits
Not only did the international work I did have a profound impact on accelerated growth and sustainable profitability of my clients company but they also experienced a strong increase in brand awareness in the UK and reduced costs across the group through the sharing of international best practice. Developing international markets will also help to balance the risk portfolio as global economies ebb and flow.
Don't Just Dream Of International Growth
I took my business international. We accelerated growth, increased the value of the brand, increased and balanced our profitability, and grew the business in the UK on the back of increased credibility as an international player in our market.
Don't dream of taking your business international. Contact me and let's develop a plan.